Feb 18Liked by Vajradarshini

A biannual magazine that we put together together. Images - words - thoughts - nothing complicated. Let’s do it digitally first then roll it out paper based after we hear from people who would like a copy in their hands . We could even get the paper boy who works at the corner shop to deliver it .

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I would love to make something on paper! And I'm sure others would love it too. I'm suddenly having a very vivid memory of delivering papers in our village when I was a kid. I'm planning to make a tiny zine (one A4 sheet) at creative club tonight, on the theme of the Two Truths! No idea what that'll look like.

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Thank you so much for the Miksang photography course links - exactly what I was just looking for without realising it! I’d been reading about the concept on and off lately and then forgotten about it again. I’ve impulsively booked myself on the online one and am already hooked on that incredible required reading book. My other thought was that the shop metaphor doesn’t inspire me all that much to be honest - I sometimes miss your early approach of offering one theme at a time in depth for a month and gather us all around that. But then again, I’m a bit retro and still much prefer reading one thick book at a time to spending an afternoon scrolling and clicking through bits and pieces of this and that - it sometimes just leaves me feeling a bit dizzy, scattered and overwhelmed. I do quite like Jane’s idea of a zine - maybe an irregular occasional one, and themed?

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Great that you get to go on the Miksang, I look forward to hearing about that!

I wonder if you misunderstood my corner shop analogy? In fact it was an analogy for going back to something like the dharma bundles I used to make on my own website. Whereas substack feels like being in a massive department store with too much going on!

Yes, and I'm definitely into the zine idea!

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Oh good and yes, I probably misunderstood - I am a bit wary of any shop metaphors because when working in the NHS the metaphor changed insidiously from clinics with patients to factories with clients as inputs and outputs and then even worse to supermarkets with ‘service users’, with grave consequences for our ways of perceiving the work we were doing. But you’re talking about something else, and I’m all for a dharma bundle revival ((:

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I always particularly appreciate the things that are ‘on your radar’. I enjoy the little nuggets where you find the Dharma and share them with us. It reminds me of a sort of environmental scan (but useful!) of what’s going on in our field of interest - practicing awareness, awakening in the context of Wabi Sabi. I value that you find ways to practice or celebrate the Dharma in all sorts of places that are current and relevant. It’s like finding a beautiful trinket in a wee independent shop, and it keeps drawing me in to see what’s new in stock!

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Thanks Lesley. This shop analogy is so much taking hold that me and Dhammasiri are now looking at actual shops with the idea of buying a tiny one! (well more of a fantasy than an idea)

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I’m not sure what the connection is but it reminds me … I’ve recently enjoyed reading a couple of Japanese novels - Before the Coffee gets Cold and Days at the Morisaki Bookshop - where magical things happen and connections between people really deepen in a cafe and a bookshop. Maybe I imagine your shop would be like that too.

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