Not sure what you might have in mind, but I’ve been incubating a project of facilitating insights into learning and living through a reflective journey of learning to draw. Much of what emerges is highly resonant with the themes of the Wabi Sabi month nearing completion now. My offering has taken various forms over the years, but I’m a bit stuck now and struggling to write it up as a book - a bit of a fallback position in a funny way as I prefer something more interactive. It’s not so much about generating an income as getting it more ‘out there’ and accessible to people who might appreciate and benefit. Won’t go into detail here, but just thought to mention it in the light of your question.

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Yes, Paul. That's exactly the kind of scenario I was thinking of. When you have a project that you need some support with and in turn being happy to to support others.

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Always something to inspire. Thank you. Not trying to earn a living now. BUT very keen to stay creative. I find multiple platforms confusing as I age! Happy to post ideas somewhere.

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Yes, it doesn't have to be about earning money, but having some support with our projects, making our work a practice, sharing our own skills... all those kinds of things.

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I’d be up for meeting other solo workers for sure.

I work as an artist, artists mentor, and creativity coach. I mostly work alone. I tend to have short 1-2-1 meetings, be in longer more intense large group trainings, and then have little to no connection when I’m back at home working in my office or studio.

I’d like to be able to connect with others as one might do when working in an office where there’s a staff room or tea room for breaks and, chats: a place to meet new people, make fresh connections, exchange ideas, find and offer opportunities or simply meet friends in similar predicaments to say how we’re feeling that day.

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Yes, I was thinking of people like you Veronique. Would be good to have your input on what might work. I'm just starting to put out feelers and see if there is energy for a project like this.

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Vajradarshini, You've articulated a feeling I've had for years in various ways, and recently it came back as my partner has begun the round of xmas celebrations with his colleagues while I still have work, but fewer celebrations. I've loved being able to 'forge my own path' but have felt lonely in that journey. I would be amazing if it could work and I'd love to try xx

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Yes, exactly. We could have the best of both worlds. I'll see who else is interested and plan a meeting where we can knock around ideas.

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A wild creativity staffroom with good jasmine tea and home-made biscuits, to pop into now and again for convivial connection - that sounds like a fabulous idea to me ((:

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Yes a place to post and share ideas

And a place (staff room) to meet say once a week.

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Nov 26, 2023Liked by Vajradarshini

Always love to team up and collaborate with like minded people xx

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Yes, it's been a treat working with you!

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I’m interested for sure!

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I thought of you, of course! ❤️

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You expressed something that I've been thinking about and longing for, for a couple of years. I've been a solopreneur for many years, as a career coach. As a decades-long practicing Buddhist, and then sensei and lay minister since 2009, I stopped the whole career bit at age 65, five years ago. I wanted to reach out with the everyday Dharma infused in me by my Bright Dawn lineage (the Revs. Gyomay and Koyo Kubose) to a wider reach than my local area so I started a podcast, Everyday Buddhism. This branched into a book, a sangha, and courses.

None of these things offered much in the way of camaraderie and brainstorming ... and none are "paid". It's been a struggle to do all this on my social security income alone and by myself, coming up and executing my own ideas the best I can.

I have no idea how I could contribute or to what but your email intrigued me.

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Wow, that's a lot to get off the ground on your own. I'm impressed. I can see why you'd enjoy more support, and I'm sure you'd have loads to offer with all the skills you've had to develop.

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Yes, it has been. I would be happy to share any tricks and skills - especially around podcasting - to anything that gets going here in this collaborative outreach!

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I've been exploring this. Not collaborating, although I'd LOVE that, but working in parallel with others, e.g yesterday I met

with an artists' collective, where we share work every three months. Pre pandemic, I met every month with other counsellors for peer supervision, and that kept me connected while I work by myself.

I notice one strong minded person with an a seems to attract more than a super open invitation!

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One strong minded person with an a? Did you mean to write vision, or clear idea, or cake?

I think you are right, it can't be some vague collective gathering that takes more energy than it gives!

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Clear idea!

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I've got cake.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Vajradarshini

Hello love 💛

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Vajradarshini

I am a painter and work alone. I used to work in teams running retreats. I miss working collaboratively and having some fun with making a difference. I have no idea what ‘it’ might be but I am up for contributing my skills to something that is needed in the world.

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We definitely had some fun!

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I'm drawn to being together while working. I write and conduct funerals and I often write 'alongside' someone else who's also working. I can see them on my screen, in the corner. 😊 At the start off the session we say what we'd like to get done, then work, then say what we've done at the end. I've worked with very lovely supportive people from all over the world. I feel metta!

It's all done through a productivity website, but I'd happily work alongside any of all of us from this community, checking in first, having a lunch break together ......

I don't think this is what you had in mind, Vajradarshini, but thought I'd mention it anyway 😊

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It was one of the things I had in mind, co-working sessions, working alongside others from time to time. On the latest wabi-sabi month we had co-crafting sessions, that was really good too!

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Vajradarshini

*waves* across Snake Pass

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Vajradarshini

I'd enjoy and cherish connection with others artists

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